30 August, 2007
the neverending stories..
the prince of darkness

clearly. im addicted to jared leto of 30 seconds to mars.. why?! coz of sooo many reasons..:
1. his VOICE
2. his eyes
3. how he performs
4. physical appearance (doi!)
5. his LOVE for music
6. his passion for arts
i started to love 30 seconds to mars ever since i heard the song "the kill" on
iLike. i love the song, and i ADORE the vocalist's voice. usually, i look for pictures, videos and stuff but when i heard that jared leto is the frontman, i didn't. leto was never my type cause i used to classify him as one of those "pretty boys" haha. but when i saw him as hephaestion on alexander the great... damn, i knew i had to see him sing. and so.. my love for 30STMgrew.. har har.. their videos are amazing. as in really.. expensive.. extravagant.. to the highest level hahaha...
01 August, 2007
the neverending stories..
spider pig spider pig. does whatever the spider pig does. can he swing, from a web?! no he can't he's a pig. Look out! he's a spider pig. Look out! he's a spider pig."
damn! funny.. best movie ever!