29 April, 2007
the neverending stories..
you know those seasonal sales that come often.. haha... i just experienced the euphoria once again! har har.. anyway.. it was my mom who told me na sale sa powerplant last friday.. so we planned that after my school, i'd go with her to the plant and shop-till-we-drop.. har har... unfortunately, i had to stay a few more hours in school.. longer than expected... so it rained. My dad picked me up. so instead of me shopping with my mom, i had to shop with my dad. no problem of course! haha... my dad lets me buy anything that i want, rather than my mom who objects to some of my choices. anyway.. the three-day-sale has come to an end with today being the last day.. bought a few clothes from people are people.. (sponsor na ata ako?!) haha.. and shoes from sketchers.. sayang.. i want the converse p nmn.. grrr..... pretty much satisfied na! haha
the neverending stories..
damn school keeping me away from having fun. anyway..
happy monthsary to my beloved barkada!
i know its too late to greet u guys... happy 21! har har.. though hnd na tayo palaging nagkikita.. sama nmn kayo samin... ako, jae, ian, frankie and sabel n lng ang nagkakakita kita eh.. so sad...
after weeks of not posting.. im here again! haha.. its our midterms week nga pala.. tomorrow we have our make up for our RLE class... report report and group work...
wednesday! on wed kasi will be our long test in Microbiology.. shit! hnd ko parin maintindihan lahat un no! enterobacteriacaea... gram positive bacilli... streptococcus.. pseudomonas aeruginosa.. stupid terms... syempre next day will be our midterm for the same subject... then on saturday, midterms sa pharmacology and N200... haha.. gudluck!! benzodiazepine... barbiturates... levomepromazine.. hahaha.. my gawd!!!
looking forward on saturday though.. dunno kng aalis kmi nila sarah.. sana.. kc last night King asked us if nikki and i would wanna join him, kevin and gjaeiy on saturday eat large whoppers while watching a movie.. pero i know nagyayaya cla teya ng last full show... haha...
16 April, 2007
the neverending stories..
first day of my summer classes... sked to be posted on profile column...
okay.. so according to our very credible schedule posted in the reg that our first class would start at around EIGHT O' CLOCK am... definitely NOT seven. anyway i woke up extra early today thinkin /what better way to start this class by being an early bird.. who knows?! maybe i could improve on my studies../ haha... pero on 6.30am, rose forwarded a message :
/classmates, 7-10 daw ang subject natin ngayon sabi ni ms. longanilla.. isang beses lng daw pwede malate.../
damn! haha.. good thing i decided to wake up early... haha.. so i left home 15before7... i arrived on time. a few minutes early pa nga. i saw a friend, kuya toffee.. aun.. he 'hatid'(haha) me to room 603.. tpos since i saw that there were less than five students in our room, i went with kuya toffee to his room.. haha.. saw franki and the others.. talked for a while...
ms. longanilla introduced our new professor.. forgot her name though. she was nice... orientation bla bla bla... hahaa... my head hurts... from 8am-4:30pm, that subject was all that we had for the day.. phew! haha...
got my grades.. 80%got higher and the remaining 20%retained.. still nothing to be proud of
i got 10 out of 10 in our quiz today.. chamba
15 April, 2007
the neverending stories..
sick and tired of my life. livin under the shadows of my smart... music prodigy of some sort brother... sports-wise cousin.. and another who they think is rather independent, money wise, and in control. and all they can say about me is that i am the so-called artist in the family... yeah.. something to be proud of.. whatever.
im soooo pissed right now.
not of the comparison
someone who bugs me
i hate it
i could be extremely nice..
but i could also be a b*tch...
so f*ck off...
14 April, 2007
the neverending stories..
so last night was the supposed meeting de avance of one of the parties to run in the makati area. yeah. the event was to start at around 6/7pm but they started to play loud music at around noon. they blocked off the road, which prevents customers to enter our restaurant... played that awkward ugly music.. they would play it louder and louder and some even sung along using the mic. it was noisy like crazy.
anyway i went to my tita's unit watched some of the programs held, there were these so-called dancers whom they call the mercado-binay dancers and boy do they suck... haha... lots of celebrities.... dunno all of them but i remember my cousins mention the street boys, katya sumthing.. and arnel ignacio.. haha..dunno, not very fond of celebrities.. if they were cartoon characters i would remember them haha.... the night was loud, full of people, weird.. haha...
so our tita called up and asked if we were hungry, they said yes. and she bought yellow cab, yet again. piar even joked and teased pao regarding a----- sleeping in the unit with us.. haha. and boy waas she mad! har har... meatlovers pizza and coke quenched our desire for food that night...
13 April, 2007
the neverending stories..
our sisterette was here.. haha..
ian, franki, jae, sabel and i were supposed to meet.,. franki wasnt able to come though. her little brother mac mac would be home alone and she just couldnt leave him. har har.. aun, so we were supposed to meet in my place at 16.00h, but ian came at around 16.30, i wasnt dressed yet at that time, we even had to go to sabel's house to fetch her. we left home at around 17.30h... rode a cab to g4. we decided to watch a movie(again?!).. haha.. ended up with premonition.. and boy, that chicken turkey burger with queso dip and mushrooms from taters tasted uber yummy, and the tater chips tasted pretty damn good too. never felt soooooooo full in days.. haha. damn my diet's been destroyed! haha.. watched a movie.... the movie ended at around 2000h.
......greenbelt3 here we come!
haha.. we sat and drank a few bottles of redhorse in one of the bars in greenbelt, forgot the name though, i always dont look at the names of the restaurants/bars that i enter especially if its my first time there. anyway. our night was really fun jae wouldnt drink of course, kJ, haha.. she just ordered a bottomless iced tea. ian even took the happy horse, drank it in one gulp. haha.. a lil bit tipsy ian.. haha..
walked around greenbelt doin crazy stuff.. @@ haha..
got home, first off was ian, bye bye!
then we went to isabelle's, anyway.. walang magawa.. we were tambays sa labas ng house nila.. ate isaw, drank gulaman(?) har har.. talked.. talked.. until i saw my tita pass by.. haha.. wish she didn't see me there or lagot! while i was running to hide inside sabel's house, jonathan shouted, /hoy!/ haha.. damn... good thing my tita didnt look or else she'll see me. all of us went inside, talked about stuff. harhar.. boyfriends, gurlfriends, jae's lovelife, my loveless life(sniff sniff), sabel's life haha.. pagddrama nya sa wendy's when she remembered moi! hahaha.. u lesbo! ian's moving on... haha.. and yeah. haha.. jonathan has another commercial daw? he's on nesvita or what i dunno.. haha... just don't quit school ha!?
the neverending stories..
i was bored.. and my tita asked me if i want to join them watch a movie.. it's ms. potter this time. the movie was nice, not for kids though, there werent much action so i think kids wouldnt love it. thought her drawings move once in a while. watched a movie, bought some house stuff, a few oven toasters, weighing scale for me.. haha.. and then we had take out from sbarro and zagu.. yum yum
12 April, 2007
the neverending stories..
first day of our enrollment.. and boy, the getting of my grades drives me crazy! but to my dismay, we are to receive our grades next week pa daw. ten-ten-tenen!!(freaky music) har har.. anyway, at first i was with my friend anne, but then frankie came, so i was with her instead. we lined up for soooooo loooonnng that my feet started to get hurt. i even forgot to bring the payment for my uniforms so i withdrew 3k from my atm. grr.... they have to replace that or else.. line... line.. it was freakin tiring. had to line up to register, another line to get our individual assessment, another line for the cashier and another line for getting our measurements for the uniforms. tiring.. tsk..
patrick had this reallllyyyyyyy creepy wound.. i think it started to as something like a pimple of some sort on his middle finger. then it evolved(?) haha.. into a pustule. it hurt real bad so they had to take him to the nearest hospital. the doctor drained it of course. anyway, everyone was really anxious(can't seem to get the right word) to pinch and pull his finger, so it bled. bled damn crazy, when we looked at it, it was.... horrible.. haha.. really creepy.. nothing like ive ever seen, it was uber deep, makes me wanna puke..
after we enrolled, frank, anne and i went to the laboratory to have our repeat urinalysis. and after, we went to g4.. haha.. franki and i bought our food from world chicken/yum!/ and moh's was from plato wrap. we played at timezone pa nga after, shoot some hoops, did a little racing, time crisis, drums, frankie and i even tried out tekken. haha.. i love playing in arcades, but it was the first time we played tekken, when it comes to fights kasi i usually play, rival schools, king of fighters or street fighter. haha.. it was fun, the hell, i was able to beat one of the challengers, i even heard them say: shit pare talo ka pa ng babae... haha.. but anyway, i was beaten by the 2nd challenger, we didn't know they were guys at first, pero there was this mirror pala where u would see ur opponent on the other side, ahah.. they knew we were girls pala..
so after playing, frankie and i decided to watch a flick, "stomp the yard" pa nga ung title, and we just had dairy queen shakes inside the theatre.. and boy was it cold.
the neverending stories..
was bored the whole week../
aun.. as usual, i was bored! har har.. anyway, i didn't get to do anything save for surfing the net until my cousins and i decided to go to plant to drink some coffee. originally, one of my cousins really wanted to watch that tagalog movie ang cute ng ina mo. (huuuwaaaattt?!?!) not for me.. haha.. definitely not for me. but i insisted on watching another instead, so.... we ended up at starbucks, iced vanilla latte and berry cheesecake for myself; coffee jelly frap and cinnamon swirl for gelai; and caramel frap, chocolate cake and banana cake for piar. so we ate... and talked... and that's about it. :D
10 April, 2007
the neverending stories..

woke up at around 12nn. watched csi, csi_ny, and csi_miami. i love those three shows... i almost never miss an episode. Anyway, at around 17.30, piar, jae and i went to powerplant, rockwell to watch the movie: .the_reaping.
in the reaping, hilary swank plays a fromer christian missionary who lost her faith after her famiy was tragically killed, and has since become a world renowned expert in disproving religious phenomena. But when she investigates a small Louisiana town that is suffering from what appear to be the Biblical plagues, she realizes that science cannot explain what is happening and she must regain her faith to combat the dark forces of threatening the community
anyway, i've always loved that girl annasophia.robb. she's like an older(?) version of Dakota Fanning. she's really versatile, so far, the roles that i know she has already played were: as Opal in Winn-dixie, Violet in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Leslie in Bridge to Terabithia. Aun, so we did a little walking, bought some stuff and walked home with ice cream in our hands.

08 April, 2007
the neverending stories..
so last night we attended mass right? it usually starts at around 11-11:30pm, but last night, they scheduled it to start at 10:00pm but as usual, we were late, and we arrived at around 10:30 something. like last year's easter mass, we were outside the church, they had this thing kasi that all the lights and fans are to be closed and only candles were to light the whole church, and they would only open the lights at 12:00am. They do that every year. after which, people would all go by the Sports Complex and watch the Salubong. funny 'coz when i was still 5(i think), my cousins:abby, piar, gelai and i used to be one of those little angels that would sing live on stage and welcome the resurrection of Jesus, we did that until i was... 8?? and when i was 6/7 our tita auditioned us to be members of the Children's Choir. all of 'em were sopranos and i was the only one to be placed under alto. The mass would start and before it'd end, my cousins and i would change into our angel costumes and hurry to the complex coz we're to sing at 1am. Audience would cheer, and after the Salubong, fireworks adorned the night. We were pretty active then, at church, sports or in music. We used to take up gymnastics, swimming, a bit of badminton. And at four i started learning the piano, the guitar afterwards but i stopped, and the flute when i was 10.
Going back to the topic, after the mass, we hurried and watched the Salubong, pero we did go first to sisterette Shiela's place to wake her up. Jae carried her towards the complex, the ever so autistic Jonathan saw us again, he kept on sticking his tongue out like some crazy child. When we were there, Shiela kept on looking at one of the windows, it was kinda creepy coz there was no light, and the wind blew the curtain. Anyway, Gelo got really scared of the fireworks that he hid behind us, Shiela on the otherhand was awestruck and stared at the display.
On our way back, Shiela's mom, Misty carried her and my mom was there too, children looked happy and again, we saw that @@crazy@ Jonathan(ahah..) who kept pouting(?) his lips pointing at me, i love doing that when i was a kid so whenever someone pouts their lip, its like a crazy yawn that quickly becomes contagious and you'll see me pouting mine in no time. Haha, i tried to stop mimicking him coz i know he'll laugh for sure.
**we saw that really pretty gay again, even if you stare at him you wouldnt really know that he's a guy... he's actually pretty...
the neverending stories..
.waiting.my cousin and i are going to watch a movie later, dunno what movie though. Both our parents are not around, hers are in our rest house in Talisay and my parents are in a beach in San Juan.. I dont know if i love bein home alone with my kuya, or i hate it. No parents buggin' us or what. ;) Anyway, have to fix myself na coz its already four.. we're to leave at 5pm kasi.. haha..
**powerplant.. here we come!
06 April, 2007
the neverending stories..

damn holy week is up.. yeah! and i'm lovin it... this'll be our last looooonnnng summer vacation.. by april 16 kasi we have our summer classes. hmm.. last wednesday kasi was the first procession held here.. it was actually the first time me and my cousins didn't participate, instead, we went to the Molave(a kalbaryo) and stayed there for a few hours, tpos we went to Yellow Cab, indulged ourselves with an 18" New York pizza and a couple of hot wings to spice it up. After a few talks, we decided to go to Gelai's unit and we all left at about 1 or 2am...
in our place kasi, during holy week, on wednesday and good friday, there's a procession tpos on maundy thursday, almost all in our place are out on the streets visiting what we call "Kalbaryos," they're like big art thingies that occupy small spots on the streets where huge statues and representations of the stations ofthe cross are placed. Tapos the streets would be filled with people and vendors, some would go in, take pictures, scan... visit the kalbaryos, pray for a while, pero most teenagers were there coz maraming tao, so sight seeing sila.. haha.. i know i'm weird, but am i realllyyy THAT weird that my cousin noticed and said: "ate lin, pansin ko lng andaming guys na napapatingin syo.." damn if i was with my friends, i bet those guys would stay away because our "weird" aura would be filling the place up. tapos there was this guy who kept on calling me, i didn't know him, by face nor by name. and he was like: "lynette.. lynette" and he would smile and wave at me. at first i thought i knew him so i waved back, but when he got closer, haha.. didn't know him pala talga.. but he said "uy andito k lng pala" haha.. im the only lynette around here, the only one that i know of. when we went back to molave, rish got @hypnotized@ once again and we all went with our tita para mag ikot nanaman.. the german guy was with her kasi kaya na hypnotize nnmn ang aking cousin.. hahaa.. aun, on our way back nmn i saw jonathan, i waved at him as usual, tpos he shouted "ang emo mo!" i didnt hear him so i screamed back "ano?!"
"sabi ko ang emo mo!"
i just smiled kasi hindi ko nanaman narinig.. my cousin just whispered to me what that 'abnormal' guy said.. haha..
kiddng aside, hnd naman abnormal un.. we just call him that coz he looks like one.. haha.. joke lng.. naku... baka magalit un..he's kinda childish kpg ksama nmn xa before, pero sabi ni sabel he's like a tough tough bully at school.. sabi namin.. "hindi bagay." haha anyway, hnd manlang ako nilibre ng fruit shake.. haha..
syempre ung procession, it started at around 6:30 where usually it starts at 7-7:30... aun.. it was tiring.. sobra... there were pretty weird people by the way, there was this old guy, haha.. we refer to him as the "pedobi" coz we didn't know if he was a pedophile or a bisexual, he kept on looking at our group kasi every 5seconds i think, he would turn his head and look at us, tpos he was too close to this other guy na a.k.a. pinkguy... it was freaky.. bottomline is, he was plain creepy. aun.. so i saw a few people that i know, and at the end of the procession, kasi we lined at the front para we could end fast tapos we'd be able to watch the whole line up. we were a bit disappointed coz we werent able to see cute guys, pero at the end, there were these to guys who were lifting the statues, they were a couple of teenagers nga pala, the furst guy was this rather small a little bit tan person na he saw us checking him out tapos he stared at us as if he knew.. haha.. he knew.. tpos the guy at his back naman was this tall, white rather chinito guy with glasses, too bad he was too focused on his job, carrying the statues.
aun... haha.. after that, we roamed around the streets and ate burritos.. haha
03 April, 2007
the neverending stories..
Arty Kid |
 Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique.
You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented! |
You Are Elektra |
 There's really no superhero with more style than you. Because who could beat being sexy assasin ninja? |
The Keys to Your Heart |
 You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
Your French Name is: |
 Diamanta Alexandre |
You Are 52% Evil |
 You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. |
Your Vampire Name Is... |
 Antionette of the Underworld |
You Belong in the Upper West Side |
 You have what it takes to be successful, but not snooty. That's why you belong in the New York of Sex and the City and Seinfeld! |
You Are Fish |
 You have a well formed palate and a daring appetite. If it's served to you, you'll at least try it. People are pretty scared of your exotic ways. But once they get a taste of you, they're addicted! |
Your Taste in Music: |
 90's Rock: Highest Influence 90's Alternative: Medium Influence Adult Alternative: Medium Influence 80's Pop: Low Influence 80's Rock: Low Influence |
You Are an Emo Rocker! |
 Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing. That doesn't mean you don't rock out... You just rock out with meaning. For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding. |
02 April, 2007
the neverending stories..
Hannah.. this is all your fault! har har...You Are Fun Sexy |
 You're funny, quirky, cute, and sassy. Guys always have a great time with you, and that alone is sexy. You've got an upbeat, optimistic spirit that totally shines through. Any guy would be crazy to turn you down! |
Your Hair Should Be Blue |
 Wild, brilliant, and out of control. You're a risk taker with an eye to the future. |
Your Hippie Chick Name Is: |
 Iris |
Guys Like That You're Fun |
 You're the type of girl guys brag about knowing That's because you're cool, funny, and laid back You're smart enough to know how to be one of the guys But flirty enough to know how to make them all want you |
You Are An ENFP |
The Inspirer
You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!
You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist. |
You Are a Goth! |
 You're so gothically outrageous, and you aren't afraid to flaunt it. Whether you dress up like Robert Smith or a tragic Little Bo Peep, chances are that you'll be parading around with the rest of the goths at Yoyogi Park on Sunday. Don't forget your white makeup and blue lipstick! Who knows? You may just get picked up by one of the seedy photographers. |
Java Chip Frappuccino |
 You're a caffeine addict and pretty high maintenance about your coffee. There's a good chance that everyone at your Starbucks knows your name. |
You Are a Winter |
 You look ravishing in: Black, burgundy, emerald green, hot pink, icy colors, navy blue, red, royal purple, and white |
You Are Amy Lee! |
 Gothy, expressive, woman-in-pain Who looks damn good in a corset "When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears" |
Men See You As Choosy |
 Men notice you light years before you notice them You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait |
Your Fashion Style is Urban |
 You've got a style all your own... and it works Not too trendy, not too freaky - you've got streetwear down to a science You always look cute and put together, but keep it comfortable too You're the type of girl that creates trends and inspires others to be funky |
You Are Boot Cut Jeans |
 You're fashionable and sexy - in an understated way. You're more about looking good than following the latest look of the week. |
Your Waist to Hip Ratio is 0.8 |
 You are quite curvy. Most clothes look great on you. |